Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Weekly World Risk Report 6/20 - 6/26
Tensions are heating up in the middle east, banks credit ratings have been downgraded as the Eurozone crisis continues, and the fourth named tropical storm of the year forms and makes landfall in the Gulf of Mexico.
This is your weekly world risk report. Look for the information you need to stay safe and survive and keep on prepping.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Impact Events
There are many things that survivalists and preppers get ready for. Disaster scenarios that range from every day possibilities like car accidents, to seasonal disasters such as hurricanes and wildfires, and then there are the really big ones. The disasters when s*** really has just hit the fan. Worldwide disasters that effect everyone.
One of these SHTF scenarios is an impact event. It may be an asteroid or a comet, but no matter what it is, the big question is not if it will happen but when. It has happened before, and it will happen again. If it happens in our lifetime will you be prepared?
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Weekly World Risk Report 6/13 - 6/19
You all may have noticed that there was no weekly update last week. The Paracord Project went on vacation last week, but not to worry, we are back now! So keep an eye out for more articles during the week, and enjoy the weekly world risk update.
This week there have been major earthquakes in the Phillipeans, off the coast of Japan, and in the Aleutian Islands. Meanwhile there is talk now of civil war and economic collapse in Syria.
Look for the information you need to stay safe and survive and keep on prepping.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Weekly World Risk Report 5/30 - 6/5
Today was the Transit of Venus. The time Venus will be visible to us on Earth, by crossing in front of the sun for over a hundred years. Did you guys see it? If you got any pictures of it, post them in the comments and share!
The tomato genome has been sequenced. How much more genetically modified food will that bring about? Also scientists now say that super volcanoes can develop faster than previously expected.
There is another case of bird flu in Hong Kong, plague in New Mexico and anthrax in Columbia. A heatwave is sweeping across India bringing record high temperatures and more deaths as the days pass. Flash floods are on the rise in many parts of the world including Canada, Australia, Cuba, Malaysia and India.
This is your weekly world risk report. Look for the information you need to stay safe and survive and keep on prepping.