Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season.  Enjoy friends, family, and good food!  We'll see you back here at the Paracord Project after the New Year.  Happy Holidays everyone!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Preparing for Winter Storms

     For anyone who watches the Weather Channel, you will now be aware that winter storms now have names, just like hurricanes.  They have adopted this practice in an attempt to make people pay more attention to winter storms in the hopes that people will be better prepared for them when they come.

     Blizzards and winter storms are exactly one of those disasters that anyone in a place that can get snow should be prepared for.  It can cause all sort of problems that we should be prepared to deal with.  This includes everything from car accidents to power outages.  So how should you be prepared?

Friday, December 7, 2012

10 Survival Uses for an Altoid Tin

     There are just some things that are beg to be used and repurposed, and the altoid tin is one of those things. With its easy use pocket size and durable material, it makes sense that this is something that people would use for other things. With a myrid of things that these mint tins can be made in to, it's not surprising that there are a number of reuse options for the survivalist community.

     The best part is, that if you don't have an altoid tin already, you can go out and by some for cheap, and then enjoy your mints as you put together one of these DIY survival projects! Here are our top ten survivalist altoid projects: