Monday, December 24, 2012
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!
Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season. Enjoy friends, family, and good food! We'll see you back here at the Paracord Project after the New Year. Happy Holidays everyone!
Monday, December 17, 2012
Preparing for Winter Storms
For anyone who watches the Weather Channel, you will now be aware that winter storms now have names, just like hurricanes. They have adopted this practice in an attempt to make people pay more attention to winter storms in the hopes that people will be better prepared for them when they come.
Blizzards and winter storms are exactly one of those disasters that anyone in a place that can get snow should be prepared for. It can cause all sort of problems that we should be prepared to deal with. This includes everything from car accidents to power outages. So how should you be prepared?
Friday, December 7, 2012
10 Survival Uses for an Altoid Tin
There are just some things that are beg to be used and repurposed, and the altoid tin is one of those things. With its easy use pocket size and durable material, it makes sense that this is something that people would use for other things. With a myrid of things that these mint tins can be made in to, it's not surprising that there are a number of reuse options for the survivalist community.
The best part is, that if you don't have an altoid tin already, you can go out and by some for cheap, and then enjoy your mints as you put together one of these DIY survival projects! Here are our top ten survivalist altoid projects:
Monday, November 19, 2012
More Five Dollar Preps Just In Time for Black Friday
What prepper can say that they don't like cheap and easy preps. They're what we live for. We look for the saving and deals so we can get the things we need for today, tommorow, and for when shtf. When so many preps can be expensive, it's nice to have those preps that are easy to buy and are also easy on the wallet.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Survival Item: 35 Uses for the Bandana
There are many items we find on bug out bag list and survival gear lists. However, there are a couple on there, that to be truely honest, most of us arn't really sure what we would use them for. Or if we do have one option, we don't have any other use for this item. For preppers and survivalists, having just one use for an item just won't cut it when it comes to our survival gear. So for this post we're going to take a look at one such item. The banadana. You can use it to cover your head, but what else can you use it for?
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Nuclear Threats and How to Prepare
There are many different types of scenarios that we as preppers and survivalists can be prepared for. The world we live in today seems constantly dangerous, and ever on the brink of disaster. One of the most terrifying of these is a nuclear disaster. It may come in the most extreme form as nuclear war, but is more likely to happen through terrorist attacks or nuclear power station accidents. It is these things that we really need to be prepared for.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Things You Should Stock but Likely Are Not
Here is a list that I found that I thought would be a great thing to share here. There are certain things that we all try and prep and store and get extras of. However there are somethings out there that we aren't stocking in our survival caches, and perhaps we should be. Take a look:
1. Toothbrush and toothpaste
2. Gun Cleaning Supplies
3. Duct Tape
4. Cooking Oil
5. Shampoo
6. Deodorant
7. Laundry Detergent
8. Books (both how to's, but also for enjoyment)
9. WD-40
10. Sewing Supplies
11. Bolts, Nails, Screws
12. Games
13. Paper and Pencils
14. Spare Parts for Gear
15. Musical Instruments (if you have that inclination)
16. Lantern Mantles
17. Hand Tools
18. Broken Window Fix or Cover
19. Bleach
20. Household Cleaning Supplies
21. Sponges
22. Towels and Wash Cloths
23. Baby Powder
24. Baby Supplies
25. Aloe
26. Sunscreen
27. Bug Spray
28. Comfort Foods
29. Chains and Locks
30. Rubbing Alcohol
31. Lice Shampoo
32. Salt
33. Liquor
34. Glasses (prescription if you can get them and over the counter)
35. Alcohol Wipes
36. Eyedrops
37. Pet Food
38. Fertilizer
39. Coolers
40. Buckets
41. Clothes Pins
42. Children's Clothing in Sizes Larger than they Wear Currently
43. Super Glue
44. Wash Board
45. Spray Paint
46. Zippers, Buttons, Snaps, Knee Patches, Velcro
47. Patches for Tents and Tarps
48. Garbage Bag
49. Lime
50. Charcoal Lighter/Fluid
51. Birth Control
52. Vitamins
53. Razor Blades
54. Saw Blades
55. Garden Tools
56. Spark Plugs
57. Motor Oil
58. Manuel Air/Tire Pump
59. Bird Seed
60. Fire Extingishers
61. Wire
62. Q-Tips
63. Cotton Balls
64. Corn Starch
65. Thermal Wear
Do you have something that you think should be added to the list, let us know!
List originally found at:
1. Toothbrush and toothpaste
2. Gun Cleaning Supplies
3. Duct Tape
4. Cooking Oil
5. Shampoo
6. Deodorant
7. Laundry Detergent
8. Books (both how to's, but also for enjoyment)
9. WD-40
10. Sewing Supplies
11. Bolts, Nails, Screws
12. Games
13. Paper and Pencils
14. Spare Parts for Gear
15. Musical Instruments (if you have that inclination)
16. Lantern Mantles
17. Hand Tools
18. Broken Window Fix or Cover
19. Bleach
20. Household Cleaning Supplies
21. Sponges
22. Towels and Wash Cloths
23. Baby Powder
24. Baby Supplies
25. Aloe
26. Sunscreen
27. Bug Spray
28. Comfort Foods
29. Chains and Locks
30. Rubbing Alcohol
31. Lice Shampoo
32. Salt
33. Liquor
34. Glasses (prescription if you can get them and over the counter)
35. Alcohol Wipes
36. Eyedrops
37. Pet Food
38. Fertilizer
39. Coolers
40. Buckets
41. Clothes Pins
42. Children's Clothing in Sizes Larger than they Wear Currently
43. Super Glue
44. Wash Board
45. Spray Paint
46. Zippers, Buttons, Snaps, Knee Patches, Velcro
47. Patches for Tents and Tarps
48. Garbage Bag
49. Lime
50. Charcoal Lighter/Fluid
51. Birth Control
52. Vitamins
53. Razor Blades
54. Saw Blades
55. Garden Tools
56. Spark Plugs
57. Motor Oil
58. Manuel Air/Tire Pump
59. Bird Seed
60. Fire Extingishers
61. Wire
62. Q-Tips
63. Cotton Balls
64. Corn Starch
65. Thermal Wear
Do you have something that you think should be added to the list, let us know!
List originally found at:
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Long Term Urban Survival: Feasible or Not
All preppers and survivalists have different plans for survival and they cover whole ranges of bugging in, bugging out, bug out bags, bug out vehicles, and bug out locations. There are some though who are planning to bug in and remain in a city during a time of crisis or disaster and it is perhaps one of the most controversial options a person can choose. This is because many people question whether or not it is even possible to survive for a long period of time in an urban environment.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Some Links from the Internet
So if there is one thing that the internet promotes it is spending tons of time just wandering around different websites and search engines and so on and so forth. In fact that is likely how many people have ended up here at the Paracord Project in the first place. However this same wandering can be a real pain when you're actually trying to find some information on something specific. So as a result I thought I would post up some of my favorite survivalist and prepper websites from around the web that some of you might find really interesting as well. Check them out!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
A Get Home Bag
When your trying to prepare for the worst, one of the first things, and most common things that people start to consider is the Bug Out Bag. After the bug out bag, many people turn to the idea of every day carry items or a bug out vehicle. Well, before the bug out vehicle, and between the bug out bag and the everyday carry, is something else we should have prepared. The Get Home Bag (GHB).
Monday, September 17, 2012
Making a Car Emergency Box
September is Nation Preparedness Month. Because of this, it seemed like now would be a good time to talk about vehicle preparedness. Whether a vehicle is a bug out vehicle, just the car you take to work, or both, it is a good idea to have a car box.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
Peak Oil - Part III: What Else Can Peak?
Here at the Paracord Project we have looked at Peak Oil. Its coming, and we know it, and it is something everyone should be prepared for. Unlike many other disasters out there, this one has a 100% chance of happening. However Peak Oil has an even scarier side to it, and that is when you apply the concept of peak oil to other resources.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Peak Oil - Part II: How Will This Effect Us?
This is part two of the peak oil series. In the first part we looked at exactly what peak oil is, when it is happening, and where our oil supplies are at right now. It is becoming increasingly obvious that we have either hit peak oil or that we are very very close to doing so. This means that at least half the oil in the world is gone, and what is left is going to be harder and harder to get to, and more expensive. So how much in our lives is really dependent on oil?
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Peak Oil - Part 1: What and When is Peak Oil?
It's one of those phrases that instills a spark of dread in all those who know what it Peak Oil. It is the beginning of the end to a resource, to cheap energy, and to a way of life. It is one of those problems, like so many others, that we know about but that so many choose to ignore, as if that will make it go away. So exactly what is peak oil?
Monday, August 27, 2012
Follow Up to Fire Basics, and Paracord Updates
Today's post is just meant to be a quick update on the status of the Paracord Project, where we're heading next, and an update on my own personal prepping and survival goals. I'm also including a follow up to the Fire Basics post as well with a little more information that people may find useful.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
The Basics: Fire
So it has been a little while since I ran the basics of water, so I thought it was about time to run the basics of fire. Fire is perhaps the quintessential symbol of being human and survival. So often it is that image of the caveman creating fire that we often associate as that defining moment when we changed from ape to human. We also often associate the ability to create fire with the ability to survive, because fire is such an important aspect of this.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Canning Basics: Water Bath Canning
Canning. It is one of those skills that just sounds like it would be hard and complicated to do. Especially if you don't know how it works. However canning is actually very simple, and you don't even need that much equipment to start canning.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
DIY: How to Make Natural Cordage
Rope is an essential survival item, and as a result the ability to make your own cordage is important as well. Once you know how to make cordage, no matter what situation you find yourself in, as long as you can find some kind of plant to get fibers from, you can make cordage.
Monday, July 23, 2012
The Paracord Project has had 10,000 views! I want to thank everyone who had been to the site, and I hope you have enjoyed the first six months of the Paracord Project. I'm looking forward to the next six months and I hope all of you will enjoy it as well.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Cattail: A Survival Plant
When surviving out in the wild the smallest things can make the difference between life and death, such as knowing the right plants and how to use them. Whether your just a regular hiker or camper, a naturalist, or learning skills for survival, cattail is a plant to know. This is because not only is it edible but it has plenty of other uses as well.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Book Review: Deep Survival
Recently as part of my prepping I have been looking for different books that I can add to my bookshelf. Mainly because in the event that SHTF, it is much more likely that my books will survive rather than my internet and all its resources. This has led me into the wonderful world of survival books, both fiction and non fiction. As I read through these books I would like to give you all a review of what I think of these different books. The first one I have for you is Deep Survival.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Five More Preps For Five Dollars
So a while back on the Paracord Project we did a post called five preps for five dollars. For preppers on a budget these items are the best types of things to get, because you can still prep without breaking the bank. Now not everything can be obtaind for five dollars or less, but there are quite a few things that can be. As a result we bring you five more preps for five dollars.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Weekly World Risk Report 6/20 - 6/26
Tensions are heating up in the middle east, banks credit ratings have been downgraded as the Eurozone crisis continues, and the fourth named tropical storm of the year forms and makes landfall in the Gulf of Mexico.
This is your weekly world risk report. Look for the information you need to stay safe and survive and keep on prepping.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Impact Events
There are many things that survivalists and preppers get ready for. Disaster scenarios that range from every day possibilities like car accidents, to seasonal disasters such as hurricanes and wildfires, and then there are the really big ones. The disasters when s*** really has just hit the fan. Worldwide disasters that effect everyone.
One of these SHTF scenarios is an impact event. It may be an asteroid or a comet, but no matter what it is, the big question is not if it will happen but when. It has happened before, and it will happen again. If it happens in our lifetime will you be prepared?
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Weekly World Risk Report 6/13 - 6/19
You all may have noticed that there was no weekly update last week. The Paracord Project went on vacation last week, but not to worry, we are back now! So keep an eye out for more articles during the week, and enjoy the weekly world risk update.
This week there have been major earthquakes in the Phillipeans, off the coast of Japan, and in the Aleutian Islands. Meanwhile there is talk now of civil war and economic collapse in Syria.
Look for the information you need to stay safe and survive and keep on prepping.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Weekly World Risk Report 5/30 - 6/5
Today was the Transit of Venus. The time Venus will be visible to us on Earth, by crossing in front of the sun for over a hundred years. Did you guys see it? If you got any pictures of it, post them in the comments and share!
The tomato genome has been sequenced. How much more genetically modified food will that bring about? Also scientists now say that super volcanoes can develop faster than previously expected.
There is another case of bird flu in Hong Kong, plague in New Mexico and anthrax in Columbia. A heatwave is sweeping across India bringing record high temperatures and more deaths as the days pass. Flash floods are on the rise in many parts of the world including Canada, Australia, Cuba, Malaysia and India.
This is your weekly world risk report. Look for the information you need to stay safe and survive and keep on prepping.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Just Thought I'd Share
I recently came across a Ted talk about growing gardens and the important role they could play in our future. Take a look:
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Weekly World Risk Report 5/23 - 5/29
A weekend of hotdogs, barbacues, sun and flags is finished. Memorial Day weekend is over and so we're back here at the Paracord Project with your weekly world risk report.
There has been a significant earthquake in Argentina, and epidemics seem to be back on the rise with epidemics in Uganda and the Dominican Republic with more epidemic hazards.
Look for the information you need to stay safe and survive and keep on prepping.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Weekly World Risk Report 5/16 - 5/22
Explosions and chemical accidents were the main stories this week. However the earthquake numbers are rising again, and a strong earthquake in Italy earlier this week led to some deaths.
There were a number of terrorist attacks this week, and meanwhile nuclear weapons talks continue in Iran.
On a postive note however there has been a successful launch of the Falcon 9 rocket by the private company SpaceX to the International Space Station.
This is your weekly report preppers. Look for the information you need to stay safe and survive and keep on prepping.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Starting Seeds
I have been excited since I started this blog to start seeds for a small garden. Now by a small garden I actually mean that I have two types of plants that I am going to try and grow, but yah know, details. Also in all my excitment for this garden I have suddenly found myself running out of time to get these planted.
In fact the seedlings should be going into the ground next weekend, but it will probebly end up being a few weeks after that. However I wanted to let you know how I started my seeds so you can give yours a try as well if your going to try a garden this summer.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Weekly World Risk Update 5/9 - 5/15
This weekly world report is all about the health concerns and epidemics that are being declared. A mysterious skin disease in Vietnam has claimed more lives while epidemics have been declared in Madagascar, the Phillipenes, Nepal, and Ghana, with an epidemic hazard being declared in Ireland.
Meanwhile the drug war continues to heat up in Mexico as cartels battle over territory, and the Eurozone Crisis heats up once again with talk of Greece exiting the eurozone.
This is your weekly report preppers. Look for the information you need to stay safe and survive and keep on prepping.
Meanwhile the drug war continues to heat up in Mexico as cartels battle over territory, and the Eurozone Crisis heats up once again with talk of Greece exiting the eurozone.
This is your weekly report preppers. Look for the information you need to stay safe and survive and keep on prepping.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Water Purification and PET Water Bottles
Today I am going to go into the different ways to purify water. Whether SHTF or there is just a water main break in your area its a good thing to know how to do. Also in the Water Basics post, the actual feasibility and safety of water bottles for water storage got brought up. So I have gone more into depth on that topic as well.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Weekly World Risk Update (5/2 - 5/8)
A typhoid epidemic has been delcared in the Phillipeans, there have been a number of terrorist attacks this week, and numerous elections have been underway in Europe and other places as well.
This is your weekly report preppers. Look for the information you need to stay safe and survive and keep on prepping.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
The Basics: Water
Water is one of the most important things we need to live, whether we're in a survival situation or not. So I thought I would go into some basics on water. Why would you need to filter it? Is bottled better than tap water? What about in a survival situation? This is what you need to know about water.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
The Rule of Three
So recently I have been doing a lot of research on a lot of different topics and as a result I found myself learning a lot about a lot of little different things and nothing is connected. You can see the results in my blog posts as well, because just I have been bouncing from topic to topic in my research, so have my posts. As a result I have decided to try a back to the basics approach.
I am going to try to start with the basics and move out from there, so hopefully I have better structure and continuation in the things I am learning. This will hopefully also translate into blog posts covering more information about one topic before going on to the next as well. Which brings me to the topic of today's post. The Rule of Three! In survival you can't get more basic than this rule.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Weekly World Risk Report 4/25 - 5/1

There was a terrorist attack in the Ukraine and violence continues surrounding the drug war in Mexico. Church attacks continue in Africa and Spain's economy has double dipped putting unemployment at 25%. Sound like the Great Depression to anyone else?
This is your weekly report preppers. Look for the information you need to stay safe and survive and keep on prepping.
Monday, April 30, 2012
SHTF Test Run
Well I know that I am not entirely prepared should something happen right now today. I don't have nearly the amount of equipment and supplies that I should have. I do however have my plan of action and so one thing that I have decided to do in the next couple of days is a test run.
Now there are different levels of test runs and different ways you can do them but I have decided to break them down into different levels. As you go up a level the amount of role playing and reenacting the scenarios of a crisis event goes up. It is also different depending on whether or not you plan to bug in or bug out.
Now there are different levels of test runs and different ways you can do them but I have decided to break them down into different levels. As you go up a level the amount of role playing and reenacting the scenarios of a crisis event goes up. It is also different depending on whether or not you plan to bug in or bug out.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Food Shelf Life
Something I have been working on with my prepping is food storage. However to effectively start a store of food for when SHTF you need to know how long different types of food can be stored. The result is that I have found out the shelf life for different types of foods that might be stored.
Food Shelf Life List:
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Weekly World Risk Report 4/18 to 4/24
This week the number of earthquakes has decreased. Meanwhile the Santorini Supervolcano still has a green status, but there has been volcanic activity at the site of the volcano. Is it cause for worry?
Violence resulting from uprisings continue across the Middle East and in the Sudan region of Africa.
Meanwhile there has been a case of mad cow disease reported in California.
This is your weekly report preppers. Look for the information you need to stay safe and keep on prepping.
Violence resulting from uprisings continue across the Middle East and in the Sudan region of Africa.
Meanwhile there has been a case of mad cow disease reported in California.
This is your weekly report preppers. Look for the information you need to stay safe and keep on prepping.
Monday, April 23, 2012
DIY Firestarters
I have been looking into find easy simple DIY projects that I can add to my BOB, and this is one that I came across and wanted to give a try. It is a DIY firestarter. Basically once the firestarter has been made all you need is a match or a lighter or something to get it going. At that point it takes the place of tinder in your fire, and it is suppose to get going if it is wet or raining out as well.
Now I dont know yet how well it will work, much less whether it will work in the rain, but I intend to give it a try as soon as I can and when I do, I will let you all know how it works.
For these firestarters you need a couple materials:
1. Small paper cups or dixie cups. I used the ketchup cups from a fast food resturaunt.
2. Twine or rope to act as a wick.
3. Scissors to cut the rope.
4. Wax. Parafin wax from the stor, from a candle or some other source. Those wax bottle candies work well after you drain the sugar water. :)
5. Woodchips, or sawdust.
6. A source of heat for melting the wax.
So you start with your paper cups, and you drape the wicks inside. How you do this is up to you. I made a couple of U's and placed it in the cup. This allows the wick material to stand upright and it also will give me four points to light the firestarter when I use it.
After that I filled the cups approximately halfway with wood shavings.
For the wax, I used a hot plate and some cans which had wax in them, and used the hot plate to liquify the wax. Another way you could do this however is simply by lighting a large candle (not the long tapered kind). As the wick burns the wax will melt in a puddle around it. Then after a while you can carefully tip the candle and the wax puddle can be poured out.
So whether your using a hot plate, burning a candle or using some other method, you pour the wax into the paper cups, over the wood shavings. The wax will drain between them, so when it dries there will be wax mixed with sawdust.
Because I only filled the cups up halfway I then put wood shavings up to the top and filled the cup the rest of the way with wax. This is just how I did it, but you can probebly fill the cup with wood shavings all the way to the top and then just put the wax in.
After this you let the wax in the cups dry. After it was dry I dipped the tips of the string into the wax as well, but that step is optional.
So there we have it, your own firestarter. Like I said I will update when I get a chance to try the firestarter out. In the meantime though should anyone else make these, let me know how it goes. Even better if you get a chance to use them, just let us know how they work by posting in the comments!
That is all for today, but look out for the Weekly World Risk Report that will be up tommorow.
Now I dont know yet how well it will work, much less whether it will work in the rain, but I intend to give it a try as soon as I can and when I do, I will let you all know how it works.
For these firestarters you need a couple materials:
1. Small paper cups or dixie cups. I used the ketchup cups from a fast food resturaunt.
2. Twine or rope to act as a wick.
3. Scissors to cut the rope.
4. Wax. Parafin wax from the stor, from a candle or some other source. Those wax bottle candies work well after you drain the sugar water. :)
5. Woodchips, or sawdust.
6. A source of heat for melting the wax.
So you start with your paper cups, and you drape the wicks inside. How you do this is up to you. I made a couple of U's and placed it in the cup. This allows the wick material to stand upright and it also will give me four points to light the firestarter when I use it.
After that I filled the cups approximately halfway with wood shavings.
For the wax, I used a hot plate and some cans which had wax in them, and used the hot plate to liquify the wax. Another way you could do this however is simply by lighting a large candle (not the long tapered kind). As the wick burns the wax will melt in a puddle around it. Then after a while you can carefully tip the candle and the wax puddle can be poured out.
So whether your using a hot plate, burning a candle or using some other method, you pour the wax into the paper cups, over the wood shavings. The wax will drain between them, so when it dries there will be wax mixed with sawdust.
Because I only filled the cups up halfway I then put wood shavings up to the top and filled the cup the rest of the way with wax. This is just how I did it, but you can probebly fill the cup with wood shavings all the way to the top and then just put the wax in.
After this you let the wax in the cups dry. After it was dry I dipped the tips of the string into the wax as well, but that step is optional.
So there we have it, your own firestarter. Like I said I will update when I get a chance to try the firestarter out. In the meantime though should anyone else make these, let me know how it goes. Even better if you get a chance to use them, just let us know how they work by posting in the comments!
That is all for today, but look out for the Weekly World Risk Report that will be up tommorow.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
The Weekly World Risk Update 4/11 to 4/17
Strong earthquakes have been felt in the Indonesia area, and an expert seismologist says that they increase the risks of a killer quake in the region. Meanwhile there has been a high number of strong quakes around the globe as well.
In Haiti another cholera epidemic could be on the way, chicken pox are spreading in Florida, and a confirmed case of turberculosis in Michigan could spread to others.
Meanwhile the Nevado del Ruiz Volcano continues to be watched for an impending eruption and evacuations are issued.
This is your weekly report preppers. Look for the information you need to stay safe and keep on prepping.
April 11
-23:56:34 USC, Magnitude 5.5 - North Indian Ocean
-22:55:11 USC, Magnitude 6.5 - Michoacan, Mexico
-22:51:59 USC, Magnitude 5.4 - North Indian Ocean
-22:42:47 USC, Magnitude 5.9 - Off the Coast of Oregon
-22:15:26 USC, Magnitude 5.0 -Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-21:36:09 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - North Indian Ocean
-19:04:20 USC, Magnitude 5.5 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-18:54:46 USC, Magnitude 5.4 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-16:04:23 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-15:46:50 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-15:09:23 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-15:06:40 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-14:54:29 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - North Indian Ocean
-14:34:19 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - North Indian Ocean
-14:20:57 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - North Indian Ocean
-14:18:45 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-14:08:41 USC, Magnitude 5.2 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-13:58:06 USC, Magnitude 5.5 - North Indian Ocean
-13:42:40 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-13:19:38 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-13:15:28 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-12:37:48 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-12:21:58 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-12:10:53 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-11:53:37 USC, Magnitude 5.7 - North Indian Ocean
-11:52:29 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - North Indian Ocean
-11:34:02 USC, Magnitude 5.4 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-11:29:00 USC, Magnitude 5.4 - South Sandwich Islands Region
-10:43:09 USC, Magnitude 8.2 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-10:36:55 USC, Magnitude 5.4 -North Indian Ocean
-10:21:16 USC, Magnitude 5.4 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-10:08:30 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-10:01:20 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-09:51:42 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-09:27:57 USC, Magnitude 6.0 - North Indian Ocean
-09:00:13 USC, Magnitude 5.5 - Andreanof Islands, Aleutian IS. Alaska
-08:38:37 USC, Magnitude 8.6 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-07:41:46 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - Banda Sea
-05:44:42 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - South Mid-Atlantic Ridge
-04:53:26 USC, Magnitude 5/2 - South Mid-Atlantic Ridge
April 12
-20:21:53 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-14:50:53 USC, Magnitude 5.6 - Near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan
-14:$6:28 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-13:09:49 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-11:19:59 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - Near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan
-07:43:49 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-07:34:57 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - North Indian Ocean
-07:15:49 USC, Magnitude 6.9 - Gulf of California
-07:06:01 USC, Magnitude 6.2 - Gulf of California
-07:01:47 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-02:54:45 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - North Indian Ocean
April 13
-13:06:28 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - Oaxaca, Mexico
-12:12:07 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - Near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan
-10:10:05 USC, Magnitude 5.4 - Oaxaca, Mexico
-10:10:01 USC, Magnitude 5.7 - Near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan
-04:15:11 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - Vanuatu
April 14
-23:49:25 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - West Chile Rise
-22:05:26 USC, Magnitude 6.5 - Vanuatu
-20:53:55 USC, Magnitude 5.5 - South Sandwich Islands Region
-19:26:42 USC, Magnitude 5.9 - Sunda Strait, Indonesia
-15:21:55 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-15:13:11 USC, Magntiude 5.6 - Kuril Islands
-12:18:27 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-10:56:19 USC, Magnitude 6.2 - Drake Passage
April 15
-05:57:39 USC, Magnitude 6.2 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
April 16
-18:01:20 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - Sulawesi, Indonesia
-16:05:54 USC, Magnitude 5.2 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-11:23:45 USC, Magnitude 5.5 - Southern Greece
-09:46:27 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-03:27:42 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - Gulf of California
-02:17:50 USC, Magnitude 5.8 0 Sulawesi, Indonesia
April 17
-08:51:26 USC, Magnitude 5.6 - Kermadec Islands Region
-07:13:50 USC, Magnitude 6.8 - Eastern New Guinea Reg, Papua New Guinea
-04:03:17 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Offshore Valparaiso, Chile
-03:50:17 USC, Magnitude 6.7 - Offshore Valparaiso, Chile
-03:24:25 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Northern Sumatra, Indonesia
4-11-2012 - Magnitude 8.7 - Depth 0km - Off W. Coast of Northern Sumatra - Tsunami Watch later cancelled.
4-18-2012 - Magnitude 7.0 - Depth 202km - Eastern New Guinea Reg. P.n.g.
Volcanic Activity
Update: Volcanic Activity Continues at Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia.
Update: Volcanic Activity Continues at Tungurahua Volcano, Ecuador
4-11-2012 - 3:15am - Katla Volcano - Myrdalsjokull Icecap, Iceland - Volcano Activity
4-12-2012 - 4:45pm - Mount Etna Volcano - Sicily, Italy - Volcano Eruption
4-13-2012 - 4:12pm - Turrialba Volcano - Cartago, Costa Rica - Volcano Activity
4-16-2012 - 5:02am - Popocatepetl Volcano - State of Puebla, Mexico - Volcano Activity
4-17-2012 - 3:04am - Sangay Volcano - Northern Volcanic Zone, Ecuador - Volcano Activity
4-17-2012 - 7:21am - Shiveluch Volcano - Far-East, Russia - Volcano Eruption
Tropical Storms
No tropical storms at this time.
Status of Worldwide Supervolcanoes
Lake Taupo - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Lake Toba - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Whakamaru - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Yellowstone Caldera - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Island park Caldera - VEI 8 - Status: Green
La Girta Caldera - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Mount Tambora - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Baekdu Mountain - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Kikai Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Laacher See - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Aira Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Campi Flegrei - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Reporoa Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Mount Aso - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Long Valley Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Valles Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Santorini Volcano - VEI 7 - Status: Green
No drought updates at this time.
4-13-2012 - Flooding - State of Perak, Malaysia - 1,145 evacuated from seven villages as their houses were hit by floods.
Update: Forest/Wildfire - Province of Hebei, China - 2000 evacuated as forest fire continues to rage on a mountain northeast of Beijing.
4-16-2012 - Forest/Wildfire - Selby-on-the-Bay, Maryland, USA - Fire fighters battle a large 4-alarm brush fire.
4-13-2012 - Forest/Wildfire - Alleghany, Virginia, USA - Statewide mutual aid requested to fight fire in the western part of the state of Virginia.
4-12-2012 - Forest/Wild Fire - Burlington County, New Jersey, USA - Another forest fire being battled in Burlington County.
Update: Epidemic Hazard - Central Province, Zambia - Typhoid cases continue to be recorded.
4-17-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Toronto has reported its first case of human rabies in 81 years.
4-17-2012 - Biological Hazard - Meghalaya, India - Thousands of fish are dead in a river near the Indo-Bangladesh border.
4-17-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Zalingei Camp, West Darfur, Sudan - Health workers have reported the emergence of meningitis cases.
4-17-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Northville, Michigan, USA - As many as 400 student and staff at Northville High School may have come in close contact with a student who has an active case of tuberculosis.
4-17-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Rocky Hill, Connecticut, USA - Outbreak of influenza at the state veterans' home has sent eighteen veterns to the hospital.
4-14-2012 - Biological Hazard - Juneau, Alaska, USA - Three suspected cases of paralytic shellfish poisoning have been reported.
4-13-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Gladstone, Queensland, Australia - Three children have contracted the potentially deadly meningococcal disease, with two in serious condition.
4-13-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India - There are now seventeen dead from swine flu as guidelines issued to all hospitals in the city.
4-13-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Haiti - Haiti could be on the verge of a second cholera epidemic and the country's rainy season leads to another rise in cases.
4-13-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Alachua County, Florida, USA - Five new caes of chicken pox found with at least seventy infected.
4-11-2012 - Biological Hazard - East Java, Indoenisa - Hundreds of chickens infected with avian flu.
4-13-2012 - Hazmat Event - El Paso, Texas, USA - 105lbs of a poisonous chemical called benzene leaked from a cooling tower at Western Refining.
4-13-2012 - Hazmat Event - Farifield, Connecticut, USA - Chlorine-baed chemical was released from a metal-processing business.
4-12-2012 -Hazmat Event - Pickering, Ontario, Canada - Second time in a week that mercury has been removed from areas where children play.
Nuclear Events
No nuclear events to report at this time.
4-16-2012 - Enviroment Pollution - State of River, Nigeria - French oil major Total has shut down a gas plant in the Niger Delta following a leak caused by a technical incident.
4-13-2012 - Enviroment Pollution - Apulia, Italy - 20 tons of fuel oil spilled into the sea from a freighter nearth teh southern port city of Taranto.
4-12-2012 - Explosion - Warren, Michigan, USA - Six injured, one seriously after an explosion at a General Motors laboratory.
4-12-2012 - Enviroment Pollution - Port Arthur, Texas, USA - Total Petrochemicals reports a check valve failure that led to a spill at its Port Arthur refinery.
April 11
-Sudan says that after a battle South Sudan controls Heglig, its largest oil field.
-A bomb on a buss kills at least two in the Phillippines.
April 12
-A ceasefire to military operations in the Syrian uprising comes into effect.
-The military of Guinea-Bissau have staged a coup against the civilian government.
April 13
-Five killed near Skopje, the capital of the Republic of Macedonia amid simmering ethic tensions.
-A draft UNSC resolution outlines plans to send observers to Syria to monitor compliance witha new peace plan as sever people are reported killed after Friday prayers.
-The Economic Community of West African States condemns the apparent coup d'etat in Guinea-Bissau.
April 14
-Anti-austerity demonstrations take place at the ruling Labour Party's centenary conference in Ireland.
-15 year old shot in the chest by police in Bahrain.
-Sudanese forces advance on the town of Heglig that is occupied by South Sudanese forces.
April 15
-At least 23 reported killed in violence across Syria as UN monitoring team arrives.
-Heavily armed Taliban insurgents launch multiple coordinated militant attacks on the British, Russian and German embassies, NATO's headquarters, military bases and the Afghan parliament in Kabul Afghanistan and other cities.
-Nearly 400 Islamist militants escape from a prison in northwest Pakistan after an attack by insurgents.
-Sudanese warplanes bomb the border town of Heglig.
-Five dead and five wounded in an aerial bombing attack on Rubkona, South Sudan.
April 16
-At least 55 people reported killed, including 26 in the city of Idib as violence increases again despite the arrival of UN observers to monitor a cease-fire.
-Military leaders and a group of political parties in Guinea-Bissau announce the formation of a Transitional National Council after the recent coup.
-A six year old boy and is killed and two other children wounded after a militant throws a hand grenade into a co-educational school near Peshawar, northwest Pakistan.
April 17
-Three quarters of the Palestinian inmates held in Israeli jails go on a hunger strike as Thouands in the West Bank and Gaza Strip support their action.
-Sudan continues to bomabard disputed border town seized by South Sudan.
-Sudanese parliament declares South Sudan "an enemy" calls for the overthrow of the government of South Sudan.
-Prime Minister of Australia announces a withdrawl of Australian troops fighting the war in Afghanistan by the end of 2013.
In Haiti another cholera epidemic could be on the way, chicken pox are spreading in Florida, and a confirmed case of turberculosis in Michigan could spread to others.
Meanwhile the Nevado del Ruiz Volcano continues to be watched for an impending eruption and evacuations are issued.
This is your weekly report preppers. Look for the information you need to stay safe and keep on prepping.
April 11
-23:56:34 USC, Magnitude 5.5 - North Indian Ocean
-22:55:11 USC, Magnitude 6.5 - Michoacan, Mexico
-22:51:59 USC, Magnitude 5.4 - North Indian Ocean
-22:42:47 USC, Magnitude 5.9 - Off the Coast of Oregon
-22:15:26 USC, Magnitude 5.0 -Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-21:36:09 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - North Indian Ocean
-19:04:20 USC, Magnitude 5.5 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-18:54:46 USC, Magnitude 5.4 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-16:04:23 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-15:46:50 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-15:09:23 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-15:06:40 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-14:54:29 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - North Indian Ocean
-14:34:19 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - North Indian Ocean
-14:20:57 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - North Indian Ocean
-14:18:45 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-14:08:41 USC, Magnitude 5.2 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-13:58:06 USC, Magnitude 5.5 - North Indian Ocean
-13:42:40 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-13:19:38 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-13:15:28 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-12:37:48 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-12:21:58 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-12:10:53 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-11:53:37 USC, Magnitude 5.7 - North Indian Ocean
-11:52:29 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - North Indian Ocean
-11:34:02 USC, Magnitude 5.4 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-11:29:00 USC, Magnitude 5.4 - South Sandwich Islands Region
-10:43:09 USC, Magnitude 8.2 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-10:36:55 USC, Magnitude 5.4 -North Indian Ocean
-10:21:16 USC, Magnitude 5.4 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-10:08:30 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-10:01:20 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-09:51:42 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-09:27:57 USC, Magnitude 6.0 - North Indian Ocean
-09:00:13 USC, Magnitude 5.5 - Andreanof Islands, Aleutian IS. Alaska
-08:38:37 USC, Magnitude 8.6 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-07:41:46 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - Banda Sea
-05:44:42 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - South Mid-Atlantic Ridge
-04:53:26 USC, Magnitude 5/2 - South Mid-Atlantic Ridge
April 12
-20:21:53 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-14:50:53 USC, Magnitude 5.6 - Near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan
-14:$6:28 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-13:09:49 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-11:19:59 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - Near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan
-07:43:49 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-07:34:57 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - North Indian Ocean
-07:15:49 USC, Magnitude 6.9 - Gulf of California
-07:06:01 USC, Magnitude 6.2 - Gulf of California
-07:01:47 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-02:54:45 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - North Indian Ocean
April 13
-13:06:28 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - Oaxaca, Mexico
-12:12:07 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - Near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan
-10:10:05 USC, Magnitude 5.4 - Oaxaca, Mexico
-10:10:01 USC, Magnitude 5.7 - Near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan
-04:15:11 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - Vanuatu
April 14
-23:49:25 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - West Chile Rise
-22:05:26 USC, Magnitude 6.5 - Vanuatu
-20:53:55 USC, Magnitude 5.5 - South Sandwich Islands Region
-19:26:42 USC, Magnitude 5.9 - Sunda Strait, Indonesia
-15:21:55 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-15:13:11 USC, Magntiude 5.6 - Kuril Islands
-12:18:27 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-10:56:19 USC, Magnitude 6.2 - Drake Passage
April 15
-05:57:39 USC, Magnitude 6.2 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
April 16
-18:01:20 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - Sulawesi, Indonesia
-16:05:54 USC, Magnitude 5.2 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-11:23:45 USC, Magnitude 5.5 - Southern Greece
-09:46:27 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-03:27:42 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - Gulf of California
-02:17:50 USC, Magnitude 5.8 0 Sulawesi, Indonesia
April 17
-08:51:26 USC, Magnitude 5.6 - Kermadec Islands Region
-07:13:50 USC, Magnitude 6.8 - Eastern New Guinea Reg, Papua New Guinea
-04:03:17 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Offshore Valparaiso, Chile
-03:50:17 USC, Magnitude 6.7 - Offshore Valparaiso, Chile
-03:24:25 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Northern Sumatra, Indonesia
4-11-2012 - Magnitude 8.7 - Depth 0km - Off W. Coast of Northern Sumatra - Tsunami Watch later cancelled.
4-18-2012 - Magnitude 7.0 - Depth 202km - Eastern New Guinea Reg. P.n.g.
Volcanic Activity
Update: Volcanic Activity Continues at Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia.
Update: Volcanic Activity Continues at Tungurahua Volcano, Ecuador
4-11-2012 - 3:15am - Katla Volcano - Myrdalsjokull Icecap, Iceland - Volcano Activity
4-12-2012 - 4:45pm - Mount Etna Volcano - Sicily, Italy - Volcano Eruption
4-13-2012 - 4:12pm - Turrialba Volcano - Cartago, Costa Rica - Volcano Activity
4-16-2012 - 5:02am - Popocatepetl Volcano - State of Puebla, Mexico - Volcano Activity
4-17-2012 - 3:04am - Sangay Volcano - Northern Volcanic Zone, Ecuador - Volcano Activity
4-17-2012 - 7:21am - Shiveluch Volcano - Far-East, Russia - Volcano Eruption
Tropical Storms
No tropical storms at this time.
Status of Worldwide Supervolcanoes
Lake Taupo - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Lake Toba - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Whakamaru - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Yellowstone Caldera - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Island park Caldera - VEI 8 - Status: Green
La Girta Caldera - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Mount Tambora - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Baekdu Mountain - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Kikai Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Laacher See - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Aira Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Campi Flegrei - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Reporoa Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Mount Aso - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Long Valley Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Valles Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Santorini Volcano - VEI 7 - Status: Green
No drought updates at this time.
4-13-2012 - Flooding - State of Perak, Malaysia - 1,145 evacuated from seven villages as their houses were hit by floods.
Update: Forest/Wildfire - Province of Hebei, China - 2000 evacuated as forest fire continues to rage on a mountain northeast of Beijing.
4-16-2012 - Forest/Wildfire - Selby-on-the-Bay, Maryland, USA - Fire fighters battle a large 4-alarm brush fire.
4-13-2012 - Forest/Wildfire - Alleghany, Virginia, USA - Statewide mutual aid requested to fight fire in the western part of the state of Virginia.
4-12-2012 - Forest/Wild Fire - Burlington County, New Jersey, USA - Another forest fire being battled in Burlington County.
Update: Epidemic Hazard - Central Province, Zambia - Typhoid cases continue to be recorded.
4-17-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Toronto has reported its first case of human rabies in 81 years.
4-17-2012 - Biological Hazard - Meghalaya, India - Thousands of fish are dead in a river near the Indo-Bangladesh border.
4-17-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Zalingei Camp, West Darfur, Sudan - Health workers have reported the emergence of meningitis cases.
4-17-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Northville, Michigan, USA - As many as 400 student and staff at Northville High School may have come in close contact with a student who has an active case of tuberculosis.
4-17-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Rocky Hill, Connecticut, USA - Outbreak of influenza at the state veterans' home has sent eighteen veterns to the hospital.
4-14-2012 - Biological Hazard - Juneau, Alaska, USA - Three suspected cases of paralytic shellfish poisoning have been reported.
4-13-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Gladstone, Queensland, Australia - Three children have contracted the potentially deadly meningococcal disease, with two in serious condition.
4-13-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India - There are now seventeen dead from swine flu as guidelines issued to all hospitals in the city.
4-13-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Haiti - Haiti could be on the verge of a second cholera epidemic and the country's rainy season leads to another rise in cases.
4-13-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Alachua County, Florida, USA - Five new caes of chicken pox found with at least seventy infected.
4-11-2012 - Biological Hazard - East Java, Indoenisa - Hundreds of chickens infected with avian flu.
4-13-2012 - Hazmat Event - El Paso, Texas, USA - 105lbs of a poisonous chemical called benzene leaked from a cooling tower at Western Refining.
4-13-2012 - Hazmat Event - Farifield, Connecticut, USA - Chlorine-baed chemical was released from a metal-processing business.
4-12-2012 -Hazmat Event - Pickering, Ontario, Canada - Second time in a week that mercury has been removed from areas where children play.
Nuclear Events
No nuclear events to report at this time.
4-16-2012 - Enviroment Pollution - State of River, Nigeria - French oil major Total has shut down a gas plant in the Niger Delta following a leak caused by a technical incident.
4-13-2012 - Enviroment Pollution - Apulia, Italy - 20 tons of fuel oil spilled into the sea from a freighter nearth teh southern port city of Taranto.
4-12-2012 - Explosion - Warren, Michigan, USA - Six injured, one seriously after an explosion at a General Motors laboratory.
4-12-2012 - Enviroment Pollution - Port Arthur, Texas, USA - Total Petrochemicals reports a check valve failure that led to a spill at its Port Arthur refinery.
April 11
-Sudan says that after a battle South Sudan controls Heglig, its largest oil field.
-A bomb on a buss kills at least two in the Phillippines.
April 12
-A ceasefire to military operations in the Syrian uprising comes into effect.
-The military of Guinea-Bissau have staged a coup against the civilian government.
April 13
-Five killed near Skopje, the capital of the Republic of Macedonia amid simmering ethic tensions.
-A draft UNSC resolution outlines plans to send observers to Syria to monitor compliance witha new peace plan as sever people are reported killed after Friday prayers.
-The Economic Community of West African States condemns the apparent coup d'etat in Guinea-Bissau.
April 14
-Anti-austerity demonstrations take place at the ruling Labour Party's centenary conference in Ireland.
-15 year old shot in the chest by police in Bahrain.
-Sudanese forces advance on the town of Heglig that is occupied by South Sudanese forces.
April 15
-At least 23 reported killed in violence across Syria as UN monitoring team arrives.
-Heavily armed Taliban insurgents launch multiple coordinated militant attacks on the British, Russian and German embassies, NATO's headquarters, military bases and the Afghan parliament in Kabul Afghanistan and other cities.
-Nearly 400 Islamist militants escape from a prison in northwest Pakistan after an attack by insurgents.
-Sudanese warplanes bomb the border town of Heglig.
-Five dead and five wounded in an aerial bombing attack on Rubkona, South Sudan.
April 16
-At least 55 people reported killed, including 26 in the city of Idib as violence increases again despite the arrival of UN observers to monitor a cease-fire.
-Military leaders and a group of political parties in Guinea-Bissau announce the formation of a Transitional National Council after the recent coup.
-A six year old boy and is killed and two other children wounded after a militant throws a hand grenade into a co-educational school near Peshawar, northwest Pakistan.
April 17
-Three quarters of the Palestinian inmates held in Israeli jails go on a hunger strike as Thouands in the West Bank and Gaza Strip support their action.
-Sudan continues to bomabard disputed border town seized by South Sudan.
-Sudanese parliament declares South Sudan "an enemy" calls for the overthrow of the government of South Sudan.
-Prime Minister of Australia announces a withdrawl of Australian troops fighting the war in Afghanistan by the end of 2013.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Gone Fishing: Easy Trout Recipe
So I thought I would add a quick recipe on here for everyone. We're getting into summer and nothing tastes better than fresh caught fish after a day of fishing. So I thought I would add a quick recipe for trout for you all.This recipe can be done in the oven at home, or over a fire when you camping if you want.
-two trout fillets
-tbsp or so of olive oil
-2 tsp garlic salt
-1 tsp black pepper
-1 jalapeno sliced
-1 lemon sliced
-Preheat your oven to 400 degrees, or get your campfire going and let it burn down to hot coals.
-Rub the fish with olive oil and sprinkle the garlic salt and pepper over the top of the fish.
-Top with jalapeno slices and lemon slices. Squeee the lemon slices over the fish first for some extra lemon taste.
-Bake in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes or put on the hot coals for around the same amount of time.
-Check the fish to make sure it is done, it should flake easily with a fork.
So there we go, quick recipe if your going out fishing. Also if SHTF, we can still probebly go fishing and it will be good to have then too. Now if I can only see about making this recipe from shelf stable food only. Enjoy!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
There is an extreme fire danger rating in Minnesota, Africanized bees in Tennessee, and fighting continues in Syria.
This is your weekly report preppers. Look for the information you need to stay safe and keep on prepping.
April 4
-20:27:29 USC, Magnitude 5.5 - New Britain Region, Papua New Guinea
April 5
No reported earthquakes over magnitude 5.0.
April 6
-19:24:13 USC, Magnitude 5.5 - Kepulauan Mentawai Region, Indonesia
-16:15:56 USC, Magnitude 6.2 - New Ireland Region, Papua New Guinea
April 7
-20:37:52 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge
-20:09:40 USC, Magnitude 5.2 - Banda Sea
-11:58:08 USC, Magnitude 5.8 - New Britain Region, Papua New Guinea
April 8
-21:43:32 USC, Magnitude 5.4 - Taiwan Region
April 9
No reported earthquakes over magnitude 5.0.
April 10
-05:09:09 USC, Magnitude 5.8 - North of Acension Island
No Tsunami activity.
Volcanic Activity
4-9-2012, 5:51 PM - Anak Krakatoa Volcano - Sunda Strait, Indonesia - Volcanic Eruption
Tropical Storms
No tropical storms at this time.
Status of Worldwide Supervolcanoes
Lake Taupo - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Lake Toba - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Whakamaru - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Yellowstone Caldera - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Island park Caldera - VEI 8 - Status: Green
La Girta Caldera - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Mount Tambora - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Baekdu Mountain - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Kikai Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Laacher See - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Aira Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Campi Flegrei - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Reporoa Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Mount Aso - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Long Valley Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Valles Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Santorini Volcano - VEI 7 - Status: Green
4-8-2012 - Complex Emergency - Maldives - 55 islands have reported severe water shortages due to recent drought.
4-20-2012 - Flash Flood - Province of Cagayan, Philippines - 6000 evacuated due to flash flooding from heavy rains.
4-10-2012 - Forest/Wildfire - Province of Hebei, China - 2000 evacuated as a forest fire rages on a mountain northeast of Beijing.
4-09-2012 - Forest/Wildfire - South of Nimrod, Minnesota, USA - Large response needed for fire in Minnesota. Much of state under an extreme fire danger rating.
4-9-2012 - Forest/Wildfire - Harford County, Maryland, USA - Massive wildfire threatens nearby homes.
4-7-2012 - Forest/Wildfire - Colorado, USA - One hundred acre wildfire promts evacuation of 58 homes.
Update: Epidemic Hazard - Northern Uganada, Uganda - Death toll from cholera has risen to 30 while many more fight for their lives.
Update: Epidemic Hazard - Fahan, Co. Donegal, Ireland - Investigation continues into the deaths of six elderly patients
Update: Biological Hazard - Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuge Complex, California, USA - Dead birds continue to be found from avian cholera outbreak.
4-10-2012 - Biological Hazard - Hong Kong, China - Carcacss of magpie robin confirmed H5N1 positive.
4-9-2012 - Biological Hazard - Monroe County, Tennessee, USA - First case of partially Africanized bees confirmed.
4-9-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - State of Madhya Pradesh, India - Chandoriya village has come down with chickpox as villagers follow faith beleifs rather than medical proffessional advice and instructions.
4-8-2012 - Epidemic - States of Jammu and Kashmir, India - Scores of people infected by outbreaks of skin and respiratory diseases.
4-8-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - West Bengal, Malda - 9 infants dead with more cases being reported at West Bengal's Malda Medical College. Hospital authority refuses to divulge details of the deaths.
4-7-2012 - Biological Hazard - Alaska, USA - Alaska polar bears have joined list of far-north species afflicted with a mystery illness.
4-6-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Trivandrum, Kerala, India - Death of five year old suspected to be scrub typhus.
4-5-2012 - Biological Hazard - Marco Island, Florida - Water quality tests detect red tide.
4-5-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Mysore, Karnataka, India - 34 cases of cholera reported.
4-4-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Kabwe, Central Province, Zambia - More than 16 cases of typhoid have been reported in Kabwe in the last three days.
4-4-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Multiple areas, Philippines - Bulletin issued by the Department of Health declares seven bodies of water around the country are currently prouducing shellfish that are not safe for consumption.
4-10-2012 - Hazmat Event - Boston, Massachusetts, USA - Six quarantined, twelve evacuated as women commits suicide using toxic chemicals.
4-7-2012 - Hazmat Event - Province of Pathum Thani, Thailand - 22 workers affected after a chemical leake during a transfer to storage tank.
4-7-2012 - Hazmat Event - Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho, USA - Federal officials are trying to figure out the source of radioactive particles at the Idaho National Laboratory nuclear reactor complex.
4-5-2012 - Hazmat Event - Shanghai, China - There has been a minor toxic chemical leak from a Danish container ship at Yangshan Deep-water Port.
Nuclear Events
4-5-2012 - Nuclear Event - Penly Nuclear Power Plant, Dieppe, Seine-Maritime, France - Fire crews rush to nuclear ractor after escape of smoke, but energy company says the site is secure.
4-5-2012 - Nuclear Event - Catawba Nuclear Power Plant, York, South Carolina, USA - Catawba nuclear power plant being monitored after offsite power was lost.
No other events reported this week.
April 4
-Sudan People's Liberation Army says it shot down a Sudanese MiG-29 jet fighter in South Sudan's Unity state.
-Suicide bomber kills at least 12 people and injures more in Afghanistan's Faryab province.
-A suicide bomber detonates an explosion in Somalia's national theatre in Mogadishu while a ceramony is taking place. At least ten dead.
April 5
-A rocket fired from Egypt's Sinai desert hits the Isreali city of Eilat but cause no injuries or damage.
-Mali's Azawad National Liberation Movement declares an end to military activities, claiming that they have captured enough territory to form their own state.
-Syrian Army troops launch a fierce attack on the Damascus suburb of Douma.
-Rival militias cease fighting in the town of Zuwara in western Libya after the National Transitional Council clams a ceasefire.
April 6
No news to report on this day.
April 7
-Yemeni airport capital closed after forces loyal to General Mohammed Saleh al-Ahmar threaten to attack aircraft.
-Burmese President Thein Sein meets representative from the Karen National Union, in an attempt to end one of the world's longest running civil conflicts.
April 8
-At least 40 people reported killed across Syria ahead of the Tuesday deadline for Syrian armed forces to withdraw from cities.
-Afghanistan and United States reach an agreement giving the Government of Afghanistan more control over night raids.
-Car bomb explodes in the Nigerian city of Kaduna killing dozens of people.
April 9
-Turkey claims that the Syrian Army has opened fire on a refugee camp on Turkish soil.
-Cameraman from Al Jadeed TV station shot dead by the Syrian army at the Syria-Lebanon border.
-Authorities in Bahrain refuse to transfer jailed Shia political activist to Denmark.
-Police fire tear gas at demonstrators who defy a government ban on protesting in Tunis.
-At least 21 dead in clashes between al Qaeda militants and Yemeni Army soldiers in southern Yemen.
-At least 11 killed and over 30 others seriously injured by bombing in Baidoa, Somalia.
April 10
-United nations backed deadline for withdrawl of troops and weapons in Syria comes into effect.
-Despite deadline, violence continues with the shelling of Homs and Hama.
-Four arrested in a Shiite village in Bahrain after seven policemen are injured in an apparent terrorist attack.
-Bahrain denies that jailed hunger striker's health is critical.
-Suicide bomber attacks a government office building in Afghanistan's Herat Province.
-Investigation finds no evidence against the chief minister of Gujarat, India, over anti-Muslim riots in the state in 2002.
This is your weekly report preppers. Look for the information you need to stay safe and keep on prepping.
April 4
-20:27:29 USC, Magnitude 5.5 - New Britain Region, Papua New Guinea
April 5
No reported earthquakes over magnitude 5.0.
April 6
-19:24:13 USC, Magnitude 5.5 - Kepulauan Mentawai Region, Indonesia
-16:15:56 USC, Magnitude 6.2 - New Ireland Region, Papua New Guinea
April 7
-20:37:52 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge
-20:09:40 USC, Magnitude 5.2 - Banda Sea
-11:58:08 USC, Magnitude 5.8 - New Britain Region, Papua New Guinea
April 8
-21:43:32 USC, Magnitude 5.4 - Taiwan Region
April 9
No reported earthquakes over magnitude 5.0.
April 10
-05:09:09 USC, Magnitude 5.8 - North of Acension Island
No Tsunami activity.
Volcanic Activity
4-9-2012, 5:51 PM - Anak Krakatoa Volcano - Sunda Strait, Indonesia - Volcanic Eruption
Tropical Storms
No tropical storms at this time.
Status of Worldwide Supervolcanoes
Lake Taupo - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Lake Toba - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Whakamaru - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Yellowstone Caldera - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Island park Caldera - VEI 8 - Status: Green
La Girta Caldera - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Mount Tambora - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Baekdu Mountain - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Kikai Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Laacher See - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Aira Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Campi Flegrei - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Reporoa Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Mount Aso - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Long Valley Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Valles Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Santorini Volcano - VEI 7 - Status: Green
4-8-2012 - Complex Emergency - Maldives - 55 islands have reported severe water shortages due to recent drought.
4-20-2012 - Flash Flood - Province of Cagayan, Philippines - 6000 evacuated due to flash flooding from heavy rains.
4-10-2012 - Forest/Wildfire - Province of Hebei, China - 2000 evacuated as a forest fire rages on a mountain northeast of Beijing.
4-09-2012 - Forest/Wildfire - South of Nimrod, Minnesota, USA - Large response needed for fire in Minnesota. Much of state under an extreme fire danger rating.
4-9-2012 - Forest/Wildfire - Harford County, Maryland, USA - Massive wildfire threatens nearby homes.
4-7-2012 - Forest/Wildfire - Colorado, USA - One hundred acre wildfire promts evacuation of 58 homes.
Update: Epidemic Hazard - Northern Uganada, Uganda - Death toll from cholera has risen to 30 while many more fight for their lives.
Update: Epidemic Hazard - Fahan, Co. Donegal, Ireland - Investigation continues into the deaths of six elderly patients
Update: Biological Hazard - Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuge Complex, California, USA - Dead birds continue to be found from avian cholera outbreak.
4-10-2012 - Biological Hazard - Hong Kong, China - Carcacss of magpie robin confirmed H5N1 positive.
4-9-2012 - Biological Hazard - Monroe County, Tennessee, USA - First case of partially Africanized bees confirmed.
4-9-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - State of Madhya Pradesh, India - Chandoriya village has come down with chickpox as villagers follow faith beleifs rather than medical proffessional advice and instructions.
4-8-2012 - Epidemic - States of Jammu and Kashmir, India - Scores of people infected by outbreaks of skin and respiratory diseases.
4-8-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - West Bengal, Malda - 9 infants dead with more cases being reported at West Bengal's Malda Medical College. Hospital authority refuses to divulge details of the deaths.
4-7-2012 - Biological Hazard - Alaska, USA - Alaska polar bears have joined list of far-north species afflicted with a mystery illness.
4-6-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Trivandrum, Kerala, India - Death of five year old suspected to be scrub typhus.
4-5-2012 - Biological Hazard - Marco Island, Florida - Water quality tests detect red tide.
4-5-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Mysore, Karnataka, India - 34 cases of cholera reported.
4-4-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Kabwe, Central Province, Zambia - More than 16 cases of typhoid have been reported in Kabwe in the last three days.
4-4-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Multiple areas, Philippines - Bulletin issued by the Department of Health declares seven bodies of water around the country are currently prouducing shellfish that are not safe for consumption.
4-10-2012 - Hazmat Event - Boston, Massachusetts, USA - Six quarantined, twelve evacuated as women commits suicide using toxic chemicals.
4-7-2012 - Hazmat Event - Province of Pathum Thani, Thailand - 22 workers affected after a chemical leake during a transfer to storage tank.
4-7-2012 - Hazmat Event - Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho, USA - Federal officials are trying to figure out the source of radioactive particles at the Idaho National Laboratory nuclear reactor complex.
4-5-2012 - Hazmat Event - Shanghai, China - There has been a minor toxic chemical leak from a Danish container ship at Yangshan Deep-water Port.
Nuclear Events
4-5-2012 - Nuclear Event - Penly Nuclear Power Plant, Dieppe, Seine-Maritime, France - Fire crews rush to nuclear ractor after escape of smoke, but energy company says the site is secure.
4-5-2012 - Nuclear Event - Catawba Nuclear Power Plant, York, South Carolina, USA - Catawba nuclear power plant being monitored after offsite power was lost.
No other events reported this week.
April 4
-Sudan People's Liberation Army says it shot down a Sudanese MiG-29 jet fighter in South Sudan's Unity state.
-Suicide bomber kills at least 12 people and injures more in Afghanistan's Faryab province.
-A suicide bomber detonates an explosion in Somalia's national theatre in Mogadishu while a ceramony is taking place. At least ten dead.
April 5
-A rocket fired from Egypt's Sinai desert hits the Isreali city of Eilat but cause no injuries or damage.
-Mali's Azawad National Liberation Movement declares an end to military activities, claiming that they have captured enough territory to form their own state.
-Syrian Army troops launch a fierce attack on the Damascus suburb of Douma.
-Rival militias cease fighting in the town of Zuwara in western Libya after the National Transitional Council clams a ceasefire.
April 6
No news to report on this day.
April 7
-Yemeni airport capital closed after forces loyal to General Mohammed Saleh al-Ahmar threaten to attack aircraft.
-Burmese President Thein Sein meets representative from the Karen National Union, in an attempt to end one of the world's longest running civil conflicts.
April 8
-At least 40 people reported killed across Syria ahead of the Tuesday deadline for Syrian armed forces to withdraw from cities.
-Afghanistan and United States reach an agreement giving the Government of Afghanistan more control over night raids.
-Car bomb explodes in the Nigerian city of Kaduna killing dozens of people.
April 9
-Turkey claims that the Syrian Army has opened fire on a refugee camp on Turkish soil.
-Cameraman from Al Jadeed TV station shot dead by the Syrian army at the Syria-Lebanon border.
-Authorities in Bahrain refuse to transfer jailed Shia political activist to Denmark.
-Police fire tear gas at demonstrators who defy a government ban on protesting in Tunis.
-At least 21 dead in clashes between al Qaeda militants and Yemeni Army soldiers in southern Yemen.
-At least 11 killed and over 30 others seriously injured by bombing in Baidoa, Somalia.
April 10
-United nations backed deadline for withdrawl of troops and weapons in Syria comes into effect.
-Despite deadline, violence continues with the shelling of Homs and Hama.
-Four arrested in a Shiite village in Bahrain after seven policemen are injured in an apparent terrorist attack.
-Bahrain denies that jailed hunger striker's health is critical.
-Suicide bomber attacks a government office building in Afghanistan's Herat Province.
-Investigation finds no evidence against the chief minister of Gujarat, India, over anti-Muslim riots in the state in 2002.
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