There was a terrorist attack in the Ukraine and violence continues surrounding the drug war in Mexico. Church attacks continue in Africa and Spain's economy has double dipped putting unemployment at 25%. Sound like the Great Depression to anyone else?
This is your weekly report preppers. Look for the information you need to stay safe and survive and keep on prepping.
April 25
-16:30:59 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Nicobar Islands, India Region
-13:27:21 USC, Magnitude 5.2 - Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
-07:53:21 USC, Magnitude 5.2 - Nicobar Islands, India Region
-07:42:24 USC, Magnitude 5.7 - Nicobar Islands, India Region
-06:55:24 USC, Magnitude 50 - Samar, Philippines
April 26
-19:21:46 USC, Magnitude 5.5 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-18:41:20 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Hokkaido, Japan Region
-06:38:33 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - Fiji Region
April 27
-10:29:44 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Sulawesi, Indonesia
April 28
-19:21:05 USC, Magnitude 5.7 - New Britain Region, Papua New Guinea
-19:06:48 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - Prince Edward Islands Region
-18:00:36 USC, Magnitude 5.3 - Kepulauan Mentawai Region, Indonesia
-10:08:08 USC, Magnitude 6.7 - Tonga
April 29
-15:02:18 USC, Magnitude 5.8 - Near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan
-10:28:52 USC, Magnitude 5.8 - Near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan
-08:09:06 USC, Magnitude 5.4 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-01:57:52 USC, Magnitude 5.2 - Papua, Indonesia
April 30
-21:40:39 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra
-20:17:45 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - Kermadec Islands Region
-19:15:27 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Tonga
-19:12:50 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - Kepulaun Talaud, Indonesia
-18:20:08 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - Mariana Islands Region
-18:11:45 USC, Magnitude 5.6 - Banda Sea
-16:56:44 USC, Magnitude 5.1 - South of Java, Indonesia
-13:06:59 USC, Magnitude 5.4 - Andaman Islands, India Region
-08:00:10 USC, Magnitude 5.7 - North Indian Ocean
-07:39:45 USC, Magnitude 5.5 - Offshore Coquimbo, Chile
May 1
-14:48:29 USC, Magnitude 5.0 - Near the Coast of Western Turkey
-13:59:44 USC, Magnitude 5.5 - Sulawesi, Indonesia
-05:33:51 USC, Magnitude 5.4 - Volcano Islands, Japan Region
4-28-2012 - Pacific Ocean Region - Tonga Islands - Magnitude 6.7 - Depth 118 km
Volcanic Activity
No volcanic activity at this time.
Tropical Storms
No tropical storms at this time.
Status of Worldwide Supervolcanoes
Lake Taupo - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Lake Toba - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Whakamaru - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Yellowstone Caldera - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Island park Caldera - VEI 8 - Status: Green
La Girta Caldera - VEI 8 - Status: Green
Mount Tambora - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Baekdu Mountain - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Kikai Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Laacher See - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Aira Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Campi Flegrei - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Reporoa Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Mount Aso - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Long Valley Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Valles Caldera - VEI 7 - Status: Green
Santorini Volcano - VEI 7 - Status: Green
No drought updates at this time.
4-26-2012 - Flash Flood - Haiti and Dominican Republic - 9 dead and 22,250 evacuated as torrential rains drench Hispaniola causing mudslides and flash flooding.
4-26-2012 - Flood - Princetona nd Kimberly, British Columbia, Canada - Evacuation alerts have been issued as a result of the first major flooding in British Columbia this year.
5-1-2012 - Flood Warning - Great Billing, Northampton, UK - A thousand people evacuated from a caravan holiday park over fears of flash flooding.
4-25-2012 - Forest/Wildfire - Norhtland, New Zealand - Hlaf of a 50 acre plantation engulfed in flames.
4-26-2012 - Forest/Wildfire - Luohe Village, Yunnan Province, China - More than 1,000 struggling to extinguish a forest fire.
4-27-2012 - Forest/Wildfire - Kountze Region, Texas, USA - Outbreak of six forest fires.
4-29-2012 - Forest/Wildfire - Anola Region, Manitoba, Canada - Grass fire rages out of control and burns down a home.
5-1-2012 - Fire - Hudson, Florida - 150 evacuated as fire burns through woods.
4-26-2012 - Biological Hazard - Chamlong, Sawangha District, Ang Thong, Thailand - Hundreds to thousands of open-billed storks have died mysteriously. Fear of another bird flu outbreak.
4-26-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Mumbai Maharastra, India - Suspected case of cholera reported.
4-27-2012 - Biological Hazard - Kazakhstan - Locust is spreading to two million hectares of Kazahkstan territory this year.
4-27-2012 - Epidemic Hazard - Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Cab driver diagnosed with rubella.
4-27-2012 - Biological Hazard - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA - Possible attack of africanized bees.
4-27-2012 - Biological Hazard - Coastline between Port Esperance and Hastings Bay, Tasmania, Australia - Toxic algal bloom.
4-27-2012 - Epidemic - Western Ukraine - Over 5,100 cases of measles have been reported and that number is expected to increase.
4-28-2012 - Biological Hazard - Bawku, West District, Ghana - Animals who have died from anthrax have been found to have been sold to a chop bar operator.
4-29-2012 - Biological Hazard - Nagylok, Fejer County, Hungary - 19 injured after attack by africanized bees.
4-29-2012 - Epidemic - Salapash, Katraguda, Railighati, Rayagada, India - At lest nine children dead and another twelve infected in the past fifteen days from an outbreak of measles.
4-30-2012 - Biological Hazard - Peru - Investigation to take place on deaths of hundreds of pelicans after 900 dolphins were recent found dead as well.
5-1-2012 - Biological Hazard - Guerrero State, Mexico - Toll of food poisoning sickness has risen to 302 children and 15 adults.
4-25-2012 - Hazmat Event - Columbia Nuclear Fuel Plant, South Caronlia, USA - Employee hospitalized after being exposed to a uranium continain acid.
Nuclear Events
4-26-2012 - Nuclear Event - Diabllo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, California, USA - Operations curtailed as jellyfish-like creates swarm the coastal nuclear power plant.
4-27-2012 - Nuclear Event - Point Beach Nuclear Plant, WIsconsin, USA - Detection of carbon monoxide prompted an alert.
5-1-2012 - Nuclear Event - Salem I Nuclear Power Plant, Lower Alloways Creek Township, New Jersey, USA - Unexpected reactor shut down which triggered fire sirens under investigation.
4-28-2012 - Terror Attack - Dnepropetrovsk, Dnipropetrovska, Ukraine - 29 injured after four explosions shake the city. Terror investigation underway.
April 25th
-Pakistan successfully tests the Shaheen -1A nuclear-capable ballistic missile, which is able to reach targets in India.
-United Nations Kofi Annan describes the situation in Syria as bleak, raising concerns about reports indicating that Syrian Army forces are conduction operations against opponents.
-South Sudan releases Sudanese prisoners of war as border clashes between the two states seem to abate.
-Sout Korean retailers cease selling beef from the US after case of mad cow disease is reported.
-Figures from the Office for National Statistics indicate the UK economy has returned to recession sparking feers of a double-dip recession.
April 26th
-Nearly 70 killed in rocket attacks by the Syrian army on the city of Hama, including many children.
-Mourners and police clash at the funeral of a protester who was killed last week in Bahrain.
-Seven people killed in Nigeria after a suicide bomber detonates a bomb in his car in Abuja.
-Three members fo the United States Armed Forces are killed in a bombing in eastern Afghanistan.
-Indonesia suspends imports of beef from the United States after a dairy cow was discovered with mad cow disease.
April 27th
-Terrorist Attack: At least four explosions hit the Ukrainian city of Dnipropetrovsk with at least 27 injured.
-A suicide bomber kills at least five in teh Syrian capital of Damascus.
-Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia kill eight people in two seperate attacks.
-For the second time government of Romania falls in a no-confidence motion after just over two months following its appointment by the Parliament, while the Czech-Republic government survived its confidence by just 12 votes.
April 28th
-Syiran activists claim that the Syrian Armed Forces killed ten in the village of Bakha north of Damascus.
-Lebanese Navy boards a ship from Libya allegedly carying weapons bound for the opposition of Syria.
-Gunmen in inflatable dinghies attack a military unit on the Syrian coast - the first seaborne assult since the start of the uprising.
-Two bodyguards and two insurgents are killed in an attack on the Govenor of Afghanistan's Kandahar Province.
-Saudia Arabia shuts down its embassy and consulates in Egypt following protests.
-Malaysian police use tear gas and water cannon to disperse thousands of protesters gathered in Kuala Lumpur calling for free and fair elections.
April 29th
-Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia kill four members of the Columbian Army on a mission to destroy cocaine laboratories in Caqueta Department with another four soldiers,a police officer and a French journalist missing.
-Several explosions are reported near a Christian service at Bayero University Kano in the northern Nigerian city of Kano with at least 21 dead.
-At least five dead at attack on a Church of Christ in the Nigerian city of Maiduguri, the spiritual home of the Boko Haram radical Islamist sect.
-One dead and ten injured in a grendade attack at a church in Nairobi, Kenya.
-Four officials killed in a rebel attack in northern Burma.
-Seven people killed in a three-way shootout between rival drug cartels and the authorities in the Mexican state of Sinaloa.
-Lebanon confiscates a shipment of arms and ammunition meant for Syrian rebels and arrests 11 crew members.
-Final deadline for the total destruction of chemical weapons stockpiles under the International Chemical Weapons Convention is reached.
-Mali coup leader Amadou haya Sanogo rejects a decision by the Economic Community of West African States to deploy troops to the country.
-Sudan arrests four foreigners in the disputed border region with South Sudan on accusations of spying.
April 30th
-Two bombs explode in the northern Syrian town of Idib killking at least eight.
-A court in Bahrain orders te retrial of 21 activists who took part in anti-government protests.
-Troops loyal to Bosco Ntaganda -who is wanted by the International Criminal Court - take two towns in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
-Three Taiwanese MP's and military officers visit the disputed Spratly Islands in the South Cina Sea amid mounting tensions.
-Spain's economy douple dips, with a quarter of the population out of work.
May 1st
-Attack by a suicide bomber in a cafe attached to a hotel in Dhusamareb, Somalia caused an indeterminate number of fatalities.
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