
Monday, February 13, 2012

Creating an Emergency Plan

     As I have begun the process of creating my bug out bag, and learning the skills that will be important when SHTF, I have quickly come to realize that one of the most important things that I will need is a plan. Specifically a plan for what I am going to do when SHTF.

     Now thinking about it, depending on the different types of disasters that could take place, I may need to either bug in or bug out. In the event of something like a chemical attack, it might be better to lock down and seal my place of residence, rather than go out into a potentially dangerous enviroment, especially if there is no reliable information on what is out there and where it is. However, in the event of something like civil disorder, it might be a better idea to bug out, before it escalates.

     The result is that I am now working on two different plans of actions in the event of a disaster. The first one bugging in, doesn't require any travel. So the basics that need to be covered for a bug in plan are water, food, heating, and defense. In this case I have already started planning food and water. A first emergency cache will be created for my bug out bag and then expanded so I have more available for a long term situtation that requires bugging in.

     Since I live with other people, my long term survival plan should include the basics for these people too, as well as a few extra in the event that others end up in the situation with us as well. Now what I would love to have is the enough food and water for upwards of eight to ten people, for a year. Now, that is not going to happen. I just don't have the space for it. Threfore, I am going to look into the possibility of some kind of rainwater collection system. Living in a wetter area of the country this shouldn't be too much of a problem.

     Just like water, I again don't have too much room for food storage either. This is what comes of living in a small space. Using different preservation techniques such as drying food may be able to compact food down a little to allow more of it to be stored, but again, that will only go so far. In the event of a very long term disaster, lasting a year or longer, having a good vegetable garden will help a long way with having food available. I plan to start my first attempt at growing food this year as it gets warmer. What I will be doing this year will not be on nearly a large enough scale to feed myself much less others should disaster strike, but it will be a start.

     As for defense, I find myself basically at a lost. I have shot a gun once. That is it. My abilities and knowledge in this subject is just about nothing. It is something I would like to learn, but for me I am certain that it will take a while, because I want to make sure everything is safe as I learn as well. There's no point to getting a gun to defend myself for when SHTF if at best I don't know how to use it, and at worst, I hurt or kill myself when I try. What I can try to learn here in the immediate future is forms of self defense, as well as some other primitive weapons, such as an atlatl or bow and arrow, which may be a little more intuitive for me to handle, and easier for me to obtain or make.

     The bug in plan can act as a basis for my bug out plan. The bug out bag is going to be the center of my bug out plan. It will have enough to last me hopefully two weeks of travel. This will give me time to get to a bug out location. Which brings me to the first thing needed for a bug out plan. I do not have a bug out location in mind, and I do not have the money to buy an area of land, much as I would like one, for a bug out location. Therefore I have decided that figuring out wilderness areas, away from population centers is my best bet. A wilderness location would give me the ability to hunt and gather and create a shelter, either temporary or permanent, with it being less likely to run into others that may be hostile.

     The second thing there is to consider is transportation. How would I get to a bug out location in the first place. As far as I can see, there are three different options. The first is by bug out vehicle. Because I only own one car, that is going to be it. As bug out vehicles go, its not remodeled school buses seen in last weeks episode of Doomsday Preppers, but I certainly think it has the possibility of holding up better than some.
The good thing about my car is that it it is an old car, so it has a steel body. So if you hit it with something (like another car) the other thing breaks and not my car. Which is nice. The bad thing is that it has rear wheel drive, and it is old, and therefore it is more likely to break, and harder to fix when it does. Still, I plan to outift it as a bug out vehicle deserves, and incorporate it into my plans.

     However in the event that the bug out vehicle breaks, or it is not fesible to use, then I have two other modes of transporation that I can include in my plan. The first is a bike. It doesn't go as fast as a car, but it still gives you decent speed, and because of its shape and size it is easy to move around, and easy to move around when riding it. The downside to a bicycle is that it limits what you can carry with you. The amount of items can be increased if you add a bicycle trailer, but that also decreased mobility.

     After a bug out vehicle and a bug out bike, the last mode of transportation I would include for bug out plans is walking. All you need for that is your own two legs. Again this form of travel limits how much stuff you can take with you. It can also be limited by disabilities and fitness ability. Neither is a problem for myself, but as I mentioned in my last post, I am working on increasing my physical fitness ability.

     The bug out location and the form of travel are the two most important parts of a bug out plan, and the bug in plan can take over once you make it to the bug out location. Vice versa, the bug out plan can be used in the event that a bug in plan is compromised and you have to leave your location. Though I have not shared details, to make sure not to compromise the security of my plans (and because all the details haven't been hashed out yet), I have given you the basics of what I think I need for a good but out and bug in plan.

     I am always looking to become a better prepper and survivalist, so what about everyone else? What kinds of plans do you all have out there? Are there things that I missed? Are there things that you think are more important or less important in an emergency plan? Are there things that I should start learning, preparing for, and implementing into my emergency plans first?  Let me know.


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